Xuteng Iron Tower er en af professionelle førende Kina 20 Meter Radar Tower producenter med høj kvalitet og rimelig pris. Velkommen til at kontakte os.
De tårntyper, der almindeligvis anvendes til jordtårne på 20 meter radartårne, omfatter vinkelståltårne, stålrørstårne (fire eller tre søjler), enkeltrørstårne af stål og fyrtårne (master). Vinkelståltårn er den mest almindelige tårntype, som er let at fremstille og installere, økonomisk og anvendelig, og bør være førstevalg til jerntårnkonstruktion.
Steel pipe four column (or three column) towers can be made very small (about 2m) due to their root opening, suitable for narrow spaces or close to buildings, but their cost is higher than angle steel towers. Single tube towers are often used in urban scenic spots or other places that require aesthetics, as they are inconvenient for feeder down and personnel climbing. In addition, the cost is relatively high, and it is only used in environments with special requirements. The advantage of a stay wire tower is that it uses a small amount of steel, but it occupies a large area. Whether it is economical should be comprehensively considered; In addition, the stay wire tower is easily damaged by external forces, and once the stay wire is damaged, it can cause tower collapse; Guyed towers may also experience swaying and horizontal twisting under the action of wind, so use microwave transmission base stations with caution.